Tight neckcuff

Taylor13:55 Minuten und 54 BilderBondage
Tight neckcuff 1
Tight neckcuff 2
Tight neckcuff 3
Tight neckcuff 4

New girl wants to be cuffed to the wall and she loves a tight neckcuff. Without a really tight neckcuff isn´t the tie complete. And for more silence we needed a good ballgag for her cheeky month.

First time in handcuffs

Emily8:03 Minuten und 169 BilderBondage

Stubborn model

Lenja16:56 Minuten und 91 BilderBondage
Stubborn model 1
Stubborn model 2
Stubborn model 3
Stubborn model 4

Lenja came to the studio for some tight handcuffing sessions, but during the shooting she was not really cooperative......

Schlagworte: handucffs, hogcuffed


Gina116 BilderBondage
Gina 0
Gina 1
Gina 2
Gina 3
Gina 4

Gina in steel

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